Montag, 24. Juni 2013


Dear Friends of the Husserl-Circle,

here is the digital version of the pre-proceedings!

All the best,

Sonja & Harald


Sonntag, 16. Juni 2013


Dear Friends of the Husser Circle!

Here is the print version of the final conference program.

All the best & see you very soon,

Sonja & Harald

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

Conference Poster

Dear friends of the Husserl Circle,

here is our conference poster. Thanks to Christian Wiedner ( for the great design!

All the best,

Sonja & Harald

Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2013

Conference Venue

Dear Friends of the Husserl Circle,

some of you may have noticed that we didn't announce the conference venue yet. The reasons were a couple of late-minute adjustements, but now everything's resolved. The Husserl Circle Meeting will take place at the

Department for Philosophy
Karl-Franzens-University Graz
Heinrichstraße 26/5th floor
Room UR 09.51

The department is easy to find - it is very close to the main building, pretty much in the heart of the university campus. It is a six-floor tower-like building with two entrances: one from the campus and one from Heinrichstrasse. Take the entrance from the campus and just go to the 5th floor. You can't miss the room.

In order to make things easier, you can also use this map of the campus. The department is tagged with a circle and the number 9.


Sonja & Harald